What is PFM Cloud and what is it for?

What is PFM Cloud and what is it for?

What is PFM and what is it for?
PFM is a printer park management application. The printer can manage both photocopying and multi-purpose office machines from a single centre, as well as having the ability to operate independently.
PFM; It provides the most accurate guidance and reporting to keep track of counters, toner and fault conditions and to use your devices efficiently. PFM is designed to manage all printers and multipurpose office machines, regardless of brand or model.
PFM is a central management system. Centred data; analysis, ordering and early intervention. All processes and algorithms are designed to be predictable.
With PFM you can automate your work routine. There are many examples of actions you can take with scheduled notifications, but most importantly, you can show the timer report is sent to your email address in a time cycle (eg every month, every week or every Friday) for a customer, and you can get a warning of the end of the week for a device's finishing (can be determined)
Briefly with PFM Cloud;
  • You can view all your business networks together.
  • You can track customer contracts.
  • You can set individual device quotes and pricing for your customers.
  • You can track device counters accurately and completely.
  • You can view the toners and supplies level of the devices, and see retro changes.
  • You can follow the malfunction status of the devices.
  • You can receive requests from your customers and open the service.
  • You can give support to your customers and send messages.
  • You can follow the bill.
  • The brand is independent, it can work in compliance with all brands and models.
  • You can easily access your reports from your preferred location by signing in to your PFM Cloud account.
  • You can create scheduled notifications.